Save on energy costs with solar photovoltaic solutions In order for any project to be successful an in-depth feasibility study is required. During this process we present to our clients high level designs, load profiling, budgetary costing, regulatory requirements, and a financial assessment of the plant (ROI calculations). This process falls hand in hand with our Energy Efficiency Program. Once all approvals are obtained, material procurement and project construction begin. Ongoing maintenance is provided through service level agreements and the plant is continuously monitored to ensure it operates optimally and provides the best output possible. With ever increasing operational costs, decreasing your production costs by reducing your electricity bills not only allows you to be more competitive in your market but also to improve your corporate branding by reducing your reliance on “dirty” energy. An effective and reliable way to hedge yourself against power tariff increases is to offset your power requirements with the use of Solar PV. Solar has been demonstrated throughout the world as the most cost logical solution to reduce your daytime power requirements. As a solar EPC company, Broadleaf Group designs, installs and maintains all our plants. Based on our methodology, experience and tailor-made designs, we are able to provide the best possible solution based on your requirements. We are able to offer tailored financed solutions through a variety of financial partners ensuring the most competitive rates for our clients. These are provided through either Power Purchase Agreements (PPA’s), Lease Agreements or Instalment Sale Agreements. Our financiers own the system and sells power to you, at a predetermined rate for a fixed period. Our financiers leases the system to the you either with fixed rentals, or rentals linked to the amount of power produced. You can claim 100% depreciation in year 1 as this equipment is shown on your balance sheet.OUR 5 STEP PROCESS TO REDUCE YOUR ELECTRICITY BILLS WITH SOLAR PV
Solar Photovoltaic
Step 1: Feasibility Study
Step 2: Detailed Design
Step 3: Construction
Step 5: Monitoring and maintenance
Energy efficiency, a few tips…
Power Purchase Agreements
Lease Agreements